[AlexoTech] Amyloid-Beta 1-40, 15N Uniform Label (0.2 mg) Human, Recombinant

등록일2024. 07. 17
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[AlexoTech] Amyloid-Beta 1-40, 15N Uniform Label (0.2 mg) Human, Recombinant

[AlexoTech] Phospho antibodies

어스바이오는 AlexoTech 한국 공식 대리점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
AlexoTech의 Amyloid-Beta 제품을 소개드립니다.

[AlexoTech] Amyloid-Beta 1-40, 15N Uniform Label (0.2 mg) Human, Recombinant

Amyloid-Beta 1-40, 15N Uniform Label (0.2 mg) Human, Recombinant

Description: Recombinant Amyloid-Beta-Peptide (1-40) uniformly 15N labeled
Article no: ABN-100-02
Amount: 0.2mg
Format: Lyophilized
Purity: 95% by Chromatography and SDS-PAGE
Counter Ion: Ammonium Acetate
Storage: Store at -20°C upon arrival.
Source: Protein expressed in Escherichia coli using 15NH4-Cl as sole nitrogen source.
Alexotech has developed a proprietary technique of preparing the amyloid β-peptide (1-40) having a superior solubility. It is however, of utmost importance to follow our recommendations of solubilisation: To efficiently solubilise the amyloid β-peptide (1-40) the pH should briefly be raised to between 11-12. This can be accomplished by 20 mM of NaOH, however, at high peptide concentrations a higher NaOH concentration may be required due to the intrinsic buffering capacity of the peptide. The pH should therefore always be monitored and if necessary adjusted. After solubilisation the pH can be adjusted using the buffer of choice.

어스바이오(USBIO)는 AlexoTech 한국 공식 대리점입니다.
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